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I was visibly shaken watching the drama enacting before my eyes! I could not believe the magnitude of stupidity displaying before me. Horrified, my eagle eyes captured the unsettling scene before me, hitting me like a bolt; I intuitively knew that it was ego in display.

I was stupefied as I watched the two women in their posh cars struggling to have right of way through inflated egos or outright foolhardiness.  My bones shrieked in alarm and instinct propelled my legs quickly towards the scene. As I drew nearer, I was further horrified to see a toddler STANDING at the front seat, with the windows down, being bounced sideways at every step on the brake. It was completely upsetting to see the less than a year old holding unto the seat belt, completely innocent of the danger she was being exposed to by her insensitive mother.

I was dazed by the mother’s lack of maternal instinct of protection.

As a wife of a road safety officer, who is a very active member of ROAD SAFETY OFFICERS WIVES ASSOCIATION, I have been involved in enlightenment campaigns all through. I have played meaningful roles with other wives in complementing our husbands’ corps mandate of instilling knowledge of road practices, with keen interest in educating, taking road safety to the foundation level that women would comprehend the need for their safety and children on the roads, I couldn’t distant myself from the enfolding drama.

I confidently and purposefully moved forward to alert her on the dangers of her defiant driving, but she condescendingly waved me away.

I was not deterred by her brashness, I ordered her to stop right there or have her arrested for dangerous driving. My voice commanded authority even though I have no constitutional power to arrest her; I have a duty as a wife of an officer, an apprehensive mother and a concerned citizen to have her arrested for endangering the life of her baby and other road users!

That word “arrested” did the magic, the puerile mother now stopped immediately. I stood with a cross expression on my face; I did not need to convey the words she found etched on my face before she casually moved the toddler to the back seat, looked at me, insolence now subdued, mumbled a thank you before driving away.

I felt good because I had saved a life.

I was super excited because I had prevented a waiting disaster from happening.

I had stopped that foolish woman from matricide.

I had saved a baby’s destiny from destruction by a self – aggrandizer

I had saved a father from grief.

I had saved siblings from pain.

Accidents do not just happen; they are made to happen by careless drivers like that unthinking mother.

Statistics have shown that even though women seemed timid, they are very aggressive drivers and have road rages.

Mothers, your under aged children are not for the front seat. A child below the age of 10 should be properly strapped at the back seat.

Toddlers should be strapped carefully, safely and comfortably on their car seat at the back.

Always have a restraining lock on your doors and windows.

Pregnant women should use the seat belt. It does not abort or discomfort the baby. Put the seat belt under the bulge of the tummy.

Losing a wife or mother upsets the dynamics of the family. It takes zing out of the family.

Please drive with control and observe road practices to stay alive.

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