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Ordering a woman to leave her job is extremely selfish of a man.

A full time homemaker was attainable in our mother’s era but not achievable in this dispensation.

When you are marrying a uniform woman, you must acquire the propensity to accommodate the demands of her job. Your understanding of her job should predate your tying the nuptial knots.

I am a proponent of the fact that marrying a nurse is suffix to your having a preexisting understanding that embracing empty beds at night is an obvious fact because of night duties.

Why then do you afterwards place so many demands, or strains or weights on your wife by demanding that she cherry picks between you and the job? That is soulless and self- seeking!

Can a man honorably say he would not be short fused at the burdens of his wife and family?

Can he honestly say he would not collapse under the immense financial encumbrances of today’s demand?

Can he sincerely say he will not smother the woman with his attitude someday he presumes her demands unreasonable?

The woman is not a suffragist when she takes an evaluation of the reality of needs and responsibility and decides to keep her job because she knows the implications if she left her job.


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