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Surgeons were left shocked when they discovered a disturbing sight in a man’s forehead after he complained of severe headaches. Disturbing images reveal a 15cm long worm had burrowed under the patient’s skin around his temple. Doctors removed the parasite from the man’s forehead after he developed a painful lump above his left eye. The medical expert first suspected it was an infection from Mosquito bite but when doctors made an incision into the lump, they successfully extracted a thin, white roundworm. These worms are said to be parasitic creatures that can survive in the bodies of humans and animals often causing symptoms of diarrhea or fever. This incident took place in Novorossiysk, Russia.

According to reports, when the man was admitted into the hospital for complaints of swelling, a doctor from maxillofacial department suspected a purulent – inflammatory process and the surgical operation was performed. The worm had settled in tissue beneath the man’s skin. He said the worm could be challenging to identify because they have not been in the body long enough for more specific symptoms to manifest. Without thorough testing, the worms can often be mistaken for skin infections.  Ultra sound examinations provide the most informative information. This unsettling incident serves as a reminder of potential dangers posed by parasites and the importance of seeking medical attention for unusual symptoms. There is also the need for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment to prevent further complications. The case may be rare it underscores the significance of medical professionals remaining vigilant and conducting thorough examinations to ensure the well-being of their patients.


photo from GhanaNews

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