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Even though she faces battery charge for hurling Microphone at a fan while performing, live at Drai’s Beach club in Las Vegas on Saturday. Cardi B’s Mic has gone up to $25,100 in auction and 27 bids expected to rise over the remaining six days of the auction. Belcalis Almanzar known as Cardi B responded aggressively after a woman in the audience tossed a drink at the stage, which caught her full in the face. Security men escorted the woman away who later was seen at the Las Vegas Metro PD the next day to report the incident. She told Police she had been hit by the microphone thrown from the stage but it was not known if she told police that she had thrown the musician liquid first. It is reported that in another intriguing turn of events, another fan has claimed she was hit by the Mic but not the person who threw the liquid.

The Wave owns the Microphone, a Vegas based audio Production Company is now up for auction on eBay to raise money for the wounded warrior project and Local charity Friendship Circle, an organization that aids children with special needs. The Microphone had a single word MAIN tapped on it and was easy to retrieve from the audience by the company’s employee Scott Fisher.


Picture credits Daily Mail.

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