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Justin Trudeau, the Canadian Prime Minister has announced his separation from Sophie his wife after 18 together.  Trudeau 51 and wife 48 were married in 2005 and have three children, Ella-Grace, Hadrien and Xavier. This announcement to separate was made on his official Instagram account in French and English while his office also released a statement to confirm that the couple had reached a legal agreement and will remain amicable, holidaying together with their three children soon. Daily Mail also reports that Sophie Gregoire Trudeau has moved out of the family home to another residence in Ottawa while Trudeau will remain at Rideau Cottage with the children but they will share custody of the children.

They have worked to ensure that all legal and ethical steps about their separation have been taken and will continue to do so moving forward. Sophie will be visiting the Rideau Cottage and will stay there whenever Trudeau is traveling. They remain a close family and want to focus on raising their kids in a safe, loving and collaborative environment. They vowed to remain a close family with deep love and respect for one another and for everything they have built.

The couple met as kids in a playground where they spent hours playing together in their youth. Sophie was classmates with Justin’s younger brother Michael who tragically died at 23 in an avalanche in 1998. However, both grew apart as both headed off to college. Each embarking on their own career paths. They reconnected in 2003 after a chance meeting after they were coincidentally assigned to co-host a gala. It felt like fate when there was a connection even though Sophie was left turned off by Trudeau after she sent him a message which he completely ignored. His explanation afterwards was that he wasn’t interested in a relationship at the time. However, the two randomly ran into each other on the streets months later and started dating. He proposed a year later and they got married in 2005; it was a wedding for a prince and Princess.

The strain in their relationship was because of Justin’s continued pursuit of his political career. Sophie found it difficult initially to adjust to a life in the spotlight and making the Official government house feel like home but she managed to cope. The couple asked that their privacy be respected after many meaningful and difficult conversations.

credits DAILY MAIL

All pictures from DAILY MAIL

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